So, I had a free rental the other day and I had to get this movie. At first glance, I was like "This looks like a cheesy horror movie." but I noticed it had a stellar cast. I just had to see it. Now, because it's horror, it's got the usual "twists" and "surprise" ending. If you don't want to know too much (And I reveal alot. I'm going to give away the ending. Sorry.) then don't read my review.
The movie is about Anna (Christini Ricci) who "dies" in a car crash and awakens thinking that she is very much alive. The funeral director Elliot (Liam Neeson) tells her that she did indeed die and that he has the gift to talk to the dead and help them transition to the after life.

(picture copyright Harbor Light Entertainment)
Okay, yes, the plot sounds alot like Six Feet Under. It helped me decided this movie was worth using my free rental for. I can't help it. I love when David fists bumps the dead Latino gang leader. Makes me laugh every time. Unfortunately, I think Elliot is a serial killer. No supernatural goings ons in this movie. Now you can say I watch too much Criminal Minds and you'll get no argument from me, but there are so many reasons to lead me to this conclusion. First of all, he does not embalm her body for days. It's because if he did so, he'd kill her. A mortician wouldn't wait as long as he did.
What finally convinced me was the ending when her boyfriend Paul (Justin Long) ended up in the funeral home himself after also getting into a car crash. Elliot ends up trying to tell him that he is dead, but there's no tricking Paul. He was on to Elliot from the start. So Elliot drives a stake through his heart and Paul just so happens to die again. Wait a second. Anna felt no pain when she was "dead" and now Paul is crying out in agony as he dies a second time? I don't think so Mr. Script Writer.
Overall, this is another one of those movies with alot of promise. It had a great cast (Who, don't get me wrong, did a fantastic job.) and a great idea. It just never followed through. Hollywood, please let me write these films for you. I could do so much better. Granted, I do need the extra cash, but I'd be doing it for the integrity of movies today.