12 June 2010

King of the 80's

I have already discussed who I believe was the King of the 90's. The title going to, in case you've forgotten, Mr. Devon Sawa. Now let's take it back another decade (now entering an era before my time) and crown the King of the 80's. There is definitely no question here: it has to be John Cusack. If I chose anyone else, well then, I'd have to say I was crazy. (Well... crazier than I already obviously am.)

I have declared today 80's Day. I had nothing better to do, and I needed to pop in a movie that was funny. A laugh was what I needed on this unbearably muggy bust of a Saturday. So, naturally, I went with Better Off Dead. It wasn't as popular as other movies from this decade, but it's my favourite John Cusack film. You know, even if he kind of refuses that he ever made it.

(picture copyright A&M Films)

[SPOILERS AHEAD] Granted, it was a strange little film. Lane's (Cusack) best friend Charles de Mar (Curtis Armstrong) carries around a pig fetus in a jar and snorts snow since "you can't get real drugs" in Greendale. Oh, and you can't forget that Lane's mother (Kim Darby) cooks some pretty strange things throughout the movie including a live octopus and crawling green goo with raisins.

It's this wonderful blend of ridiculous characters that makes this movie the perfect cure if you need a laugh. I would take BOD over Say Anything any day. I actually hate that movie. (Another little movie secret you guys are treated to.) Sure, it's a classic, but I can't stand it. It's just another typical teen movie that I get sick of five minutes into it. I can't stand Sixteen Candles either. It should really go without saying. There, I said it! It's good to get that off my chest.

Cusack started out doing these teen films, and that's how he became famous. Now he's gone on to a very successful film career. He's doing films that don't include singing hamburgers, and I'm happy for him. He is an extremely talented actor. That's not why he's King of the 80's, though. Sure, he did show promise in his earlier movies. He's king, though, because survived the big hair and synthesized music.


  1. I love John Cusack.
    I shall now commence fangirliness.

  2. I would expect nothing less than fangirliness. :D
