However, The Vampire's Assistant (the first movie based on the Cirque Du Freak series) wasn't all bad. For someone who reads alot, I have also not read this book, so I cannot compare. At least this time, it isn't a shock. I wouldn't touch books like this with a ten foot pole. Teen series? When kids my age were reading these kinds of books, I had already been introduced to David Sedaris.
Still trolling the boards, there seems to be alot of disagreement on how true to the book the movie stayed. Half say yay and half say nay. Well, I can't add my two cents there, but the movie did keep me interested. I wasn't a big fan of our leading man Darren (Chris Massoglia) at first, but he did kind of grow on me. Just a tad.

(picture copyright Universal Pictures)
I think that John C. Reilly is awesome, hands down. I do have my guilty pleasures and Walk Hard is one of them. He can make me laugh, but now I know that he can also play a (albeit slightly) more serious role. However, his extreme sarcasm had me laughing more than the actual jokes throughout the film. Oh, and of course I loved Evra the snake boy (Patrick Fugit) because I love Mr. Fugit. End of story.
To be honest, I was more fascinated by the freak show than the fight between the vampires and, uh, what were the bad ones called again? I don't even care. It's kind of lame. I would have rathered they made a movie about the freaks. Jane Krakowski was wasted as Corma Limbs, the freak whose limbs could regenerate. Is it creepy that I find this fascinating? I blame reading Geek Love at an impressionable age.
It's obvious that Universal is hoping to have a series on their hand. Let's face it: Every movie released anymore is set up to have at least on sequel. Will I be chomping at the bit to see it? Eh, I'll wait for video. It is definitely entertaining, but it still is vampires. You drink blood. You're sad because everyone you loved died. I get it. It's becoming old really fast.
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