So, we love Nathan Fillion. He's pretty much the man, I think it's safe to say it. We have already seen Serenity (so much of Firefly is kind of spoiled for us, but we're loving it anyway.) and of course who couldn't love him as Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible. So much Mr. Fillion put me in the mood to watch my favourite movie of his again. It's been awhile since I last watched it since most of my friends think it's dumb.
They are wrong, of course, because I'm always right. And I say that Slither is a fantastic scifi movie. Now, most people call it horror. I mean, even the case has a blurb that says "A wickedly fun horror flick!" (Yeah, I got up to check that.) Okay, I'll admit there are "zombies". Sort of. Not exactly.

[SPOILERS AHEAD] The whole premise is that an astroid from outer space (reminiscent of The Thing) crashes to earth and then the monster choses a host, who unfortunately, is Grant Grant. (Michael Rooker He impregnants Brenda (Brenda James) who ends up "giving birth" to a bunch of slug creatures who then turn people into "zombies". (reminiscent of Night of the Creeps except those zombies actually ate human flesh.)
The monster is from space, so I'm gonna say it's a scifi movie. And a darn good one at that. There are alot of great tips of the film makers' hats to classic horror movies, as I have mentioned. It's also got a wonderful, sarcastic sense of humour to it. Alot of the one liners from Cheif Bill Pardy (Fillion) have me chuckling every time. Oh, and I always crack up at Mayor Jack MacReady's (Gregg Henry) little rant about there being no Mr. Pibb.
The movie is a bit gory for scifi, so I can see why it might get classified as horror. My mom definitely won't watch it. She hates blood and guts. When we saw Zombieland she was going "Ew!" next to me during the opening credits. So those with weak stomachs, beware. However, that aside, it's a great little film. Not really original, but it has charm. I like that. There is nothing wrong with giving a bit of a spin on a story we already know. As long as you have Mr. Fillion... I'm in.
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