04 May 2010

I Can Smell Your Brains

Why do I love zombies? I don't think I can really answer that question. I usually like horror movies with serial killers as opposed to monsters because they're more realistic. Being a logical person, zombies are as far from real as you can get. Yet, I can never get enough.

I do know where my love for zombies spawned from. When I was eight, I watched the original Night of the Living Dead with my dad. [SPOILERS AHEAD] I was so shocked by the ending. At first I was devestated. I had really wanted Ben to survive. It took awhile, but I eventually realized it's the best ending of any horror film ever. It made me realize, they can't always make it out alive.

Since then, I have been hooked on zombie films. I am obviously a huge Romero fan despite his downfalls. (letting them remake NOTLD and the fourth installment, Land of the Dead) I absolutely adore the whole "zombedy" genre. (Shaun of the Dead, Fido, Night of the Living Dorks, etc.) I even read zombie literature like crazy. (World War Z, Breathers, Pride and Predjudice and Zombies, etc.)

Now, first we have to get something straight. Zombies are NOT cannibals. Sure, zombies started off as humans, but it is not a virus. Sure, in some cases it is depicted as spreading like a virus. But once the person dies and becomes a zombie, it is now a new species all together. Oh, and most zombies don't actually eat brains. The first (and for the longest time only) movie where zombies actually called "Brainssss..." was Return of the Living Dead.

Zombie movies can become very formulaic. Introduce main characters. Outbreak occurs. Characters try to survive. One or two make it out alive. Feds come in and start to kill zombies off. There can be some very unique zombie films that have great, fantastic twists. (Return of the Living Dead 3, Diary of the Dead, etc.) Much like a zombie who can never finish one meal before heading to the next, I don't think I'll ever get enough of zombie flicks.

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