21 April 2010

Can you pass me a tissue?

I'm an overly emotional person. It doesn't really take too much to make me cry, so it goes without saying that there is a multitude of movies that can make me weep every viewing. Today, I'm just going to take about some of my favourite moving movies. Whether they make me cry because they're depressing, inspirational or because I'm laughing so hard, here are my favourite movies that bring tears to my eyes.

01. Big Fish - I know I mentioned this in a previous post. I stand by my statement that it is Tim Burton's finest. I went to see this in theaters back when the Gateway was still open with some friends for my birthday in sixth grade. I bawled my eyes out then. I still do every time I watch this movie. It has the most bittersweet ending of any movie I have ever watched. [SPOILERS AHEAD] I'm never sure to be crying because I'm sad because Edward (Albert Finney) is dying or because I'm so happy that all of his friends are showing up at the river. It's so beautifully shot that you believe that it is a fairy tale that you yourself have heard countless times as a child. Overall, an exceptional movie.

02. Garden State - I remember when I first made Coco watch this with me. Since it was written, directed and starred Zach Braff, she expected it to be funny like Scrubs. She yelled at me once it was over and we were both weeping uncontrollably since I "lied" to her. I never said anything about the fact that it was funny. Then again, I never told her it was sad. [SPOILERS AHEAD] Every time Andrew (Braff) tells Albert (Denis O'Hare) "Good luck exploring the infite abyss." and Albert replies "Hey, you too.", I start to tear up. By the time Andrew, Sam (Natalie Portman) and Mark (Peter Sarsgaard) are standing up on the van, screaming their lungs out into the pit, I'm crying as heavily as the rain is falling down around them.

03. Ever After - Yes, I'm a sucker for movies that involve story telling. This was one of, if not, me and my sister's favourite movies as children. We watched it repeatedly and could recite it word for word. (If I were to watch it right now, I probably still could.) The movie is the "real" story of Cinderella. A descendent of Danielle De Barbarac (Drew Barrymore) who was considered to be Cinderalla, is putting the Grimm Brothers in their place after they got the story wrong in their fairy tale collection. There was no fairy godmother, but rather, a quirky Leonardo da Vinci to offer guidance. One of the step sisters was actually quite nice to her. Oh, and sorry, but there were no singing mice. [SPOILERS AHEAD. Well, at least if you don't know the overall idea of the Cinderall story.] I cry from the scene where Danielle is humilated by Prince Henry (Dougray Scott) for lying to him about who she is pretty much until the end when those tears turn into tears of joy. (Because, of course Cinderella marries her Prince Charming.)

Well, those are just my top three favourite movies. Sure, I need to watch them with a box of tissues within reach. Sure, my nose may be a bit stuffed afterward. I think, though, that this is what makes them great. If a movie is able to move someone so much, I think it's done it's job.


  1. I totally cry at Garden State too!It makes me think too much aswell,haha.

  2. That is true. So many great lines in that movie that just make you sit and think.
