17 April 2010

Bloody Brillant

I went to see Kick-Ass tonight with my parents. You might think that I'm insane going to see a movie that the boards are calling one of the most violent and obscene movies this year, to which I would reply, you are correct. They loved it, however, even if my mom closed her eyes during alot of the action sequences.

When I say this movie is bloody brillant, I mean seriously. It's bloody and it's brillant. The concept is very cute. I mean, why can't every day people put on some spandex pants and fight crime? That's the question Dave asks, and hence the birth of the super hero Kick Ass.

Granted he's the title character, but I absolutely fell in love with Chloe Grace Moretz as the lovable yet deadly Hit Girl. Her father, Big Daddy, has spent the last six odd years basically training her to be a killing machine. Once Kick Ass has made it socially acceptable for super heroes to clean the New York streets, he unleashes her on the drug hounds who he swore to get his revenge.

While reading a review with Moretz in Entertainment Weekly (my movie review Bible), she talked about how her parents would kill her if they heard her using this language. She is one foul mouthed purple haired little girl, but she is totally my idol now.

Overall, this movie was hilarious and was alot of fun. The deaths, while gory and not for the faint of heart, were different and I was on the edge of my seat. (Figuratively, of course, because Movies 14 has nice coushy seats that I melt into. It's basically heaven.) Another movie that is definitely worth shelling out the eight dollars to go see. My faith in modern film making has been restored.


  1. I honestly didn't know that the movie was that violent and stuff, which was making me think it might end up being a disappointment.
    I'm really glad to hear that it's so good, though.

    Also, I am incredibly happy that you've made this blog, because you're really good at it. Mhmm.

  2. I had read, from the EW article as well as on boards on IMDB, that it was violent. I didn't believe that it was that violent though. When I saw the first action scene, my jaw dropped.

    Thank you! I'm trying my best. :)

  3. I went to see it today too!Haha!
    It was amazing,I also didn't expect it to be that violent,sooo good though!
    It makes me want to be a superhero now,although it's mainly so I could wear a cape,they just look so comfy! :)
